Sunday, June 1, 2008

My Saturday at the Lake

I was hoping for a GREAT day on the lake, really I was, but that was ruined quickly within 5 minutes of launching our boat, we have a tube it's tied to the boat, but when you are in the no wake zone, you need to keep it close to the boat, so I am holding the tubes rope, when I turn around to move something and all of a sudden I hear a shreik I look up and see my 12 year screaming with the rope in her hand, the tube quickly leaving the boat and her hand a bloody mess, she has 3rd degree rope burn on one of her hands, it's horrible, sad, gross, and I feel terrible, we ended up in the Urgent Care Clinic yesterday to have it packed and wrapped, she has school finals tomorrow, and no use of her writing hand.... We do have a Dr note, so maybe someone can help her write her answers down but it will take time to heal... Now those blessings:

1. Thank you God, it could have been worse, she is so sweet she was trying to help me out, when she ended up on the losing end, but THANK YOU GOD.
2. For guilt filled trips to Starbucks to try and make the pain go away.
3. For the 6 other kids that were on the boat with us, for still in spite of the "accident" enjoying their day, this is the last weekend we have all the kids together for a month.
4. For Sundays that will be awesome even if we have a one handed jack to help feed and bathe and dress!

Have an awesome day enjoy the ups! Handle the downs!


Author Elle Febbo said...

Oh My God, Im beyond blessed to read your words...Im so glad you're here.



Jackietex said...

Tube ropes really are dangerous! Three years ago (yesterday) my daughter fell off a SeaDoo while holding a tube and rope. It wrapped around her leg and she was pulled for a while. She was in the hospital for a month and had about nine surgeries, including a muscle transfer and skin graft. She missed half of her freshman year of high school. I hope your daughter had a complete recovery. I love the name of your blog (which I found through Stacy's).